Making your own organic products is both a lot cheaper than buying them and a lot more rewarding. These make great gifts that you can give to people and especially if you work hard to keep them looking and smelling beautiful. And that is where organic products really have the edge. These will be made from essential oils, which creates a very gentle and fully natural-seeming scent that is far more calming and soothing than anything that can be accomplished with harsh chemicals.
What’s more interesting is that these products will almost always be much healthier for you. That’s because you’re getting the naturally occurring nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the natural products and it’s because you’re able to choose precisely what’s going to go into it.
Moreover, a lot of the unnatural scents, dyes and astringents used in the commercial products will often do more harm than good to the skin. Some of them have been linked with cancer, others with infertility, others still with dementia. The list goes on and it’s not hard to find long lists of ‘ingredients to avoid’. We know this and yet a lot of people carry on using them!
Nevertheless, it is your choice that will matter because there are ton of common ingredients you can choose to make your own organic products. You can start by making your own facial scrub using sugar and coconut oil. Here, the coconut oil will nourish the skin and hold the mixture together in a pleasant lubricant, while the sugar will provide the slight corrosion needed to open up the pores and remove those dead skin cells on the surface.
All you need is:
• ¼ cup of granulated sugar
• ½ cup of coconut oil
• 1 tablespoon of citrus fruit zest (optional)
• ½ teaspoon of citrus essential oil
Of course, this also has the rather pleasing added bonus of saving you a lot of money versus shop-bought options!
Misty Cassady